CHEERS to your ocular health.
Did you know that nutrition plays a vital role in your ocular health?
Cardiologists stress lean meats, red wine, and exercise for your heart health. But what about your eyes? Well, studies show there are distinct food groups that show extreme benefit to the well being of your vision.
Lutein, found in green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli create an added insulation in your retina against macular degeneration. Yellow vegetables and fruit (squash, yellow watermelon) as well as Omega III supplements (fish oil or flax seed oil) also help boost the pigment cells in the macula to promote crisp vision. As a side note, it is best to purchase molecularly distilled fish oil, and take the pills at night to prevent unwanted GI effects or “fish burp” which occurs with less expensive, non distilled fish oils. Remember, not all fish oil pills are created equally.
What about preventing cataracts you ask? Well, studies have shown that...
Did you know that early intervention in children's vision is the key to success?
- 80% of learning comes through vision.
- In the first year of life, then by at least age 3 or 4, the child needs a comprehensive eye exam.
- 6 months old is not too early.
Even though a school vision screening, nurse evaluation or Pediatrician screening is important, it doesn't take the place of a comprehensive eye exam by an eyecare professional. Some symptoms of an undetected vision problem include: Decreased performance in school, aversion to reading, excessive blinking, rubbing eyes, headache or inability to see 3-D movies.
This could indicate conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), nearsightedness (myopia), astigmatism, or farsightedness (hyperopia) that can be corrected with glasses.
More serious conditions may need surgery such as Esotropia, where the eye turns in, or Exotropia where the eye turns out.
Although school screenings, nurses, and pediatricians are extremely valuable,...